Member Record

Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Membership Category
Scholar Publisher
University of Baghdad
Main Address
Iraq/ Baghdad/ University of Baghdad
Other Office Locations
Copyright and Licensing Link
Copyright and Licensing Policy
The Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License starting from Vol. 25, No. 1 (31 March 2024). This type of license permits any author who published in IJCPE to keep the copyright’s ownership of his/her paper(s). Also, the license allows the users to extract, archive, print out, distribute and/or reuse any published documents in IJCPE, so long as an appropriate credit is given to the authors and the source of the work.
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
The author is in the right to have complaints about policies, procedures, or actions of the journal’s reviewers / editorial members. The complaints are more welcome to us because they provide an opportunity and a spur for improvement, and of course, we will follow up the complaints as soon as possible.Please do not hesitate and send your complaint to the following addresses:Mail AddressIraq-Baghdad-P.O. Box 47024 Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringEmail should include article title, authors name, article submitting date and complaint subject. All complaints transfer to the editorial board of Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. Requests will be considered within 3 working days.
Publication Charge Link
Publication Charge Policy
All accepted manuscripts in the Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IJCPE) will be published as full open access documents, which are free access to all readers.In order to cover the processing costs of IJCPE (management, archiving, typesetting and subscriptions), IJCPE applies an Article Processing Charge (APC) for accepted manuscripts in the journal.The Article Processing Charge of IJCPE is USD 60 (IQD 75 000)Notes:No extra APC for the color content, extra pages and/or manuscript submission. APC is not refundable for the accepted and published manuscript. The APC of IJCPE must be paid to the following address:Financial Department (Deanship), Faculty of Engineering, 10071 University of Baghdad (Al-Jadriya Complex), Baghdad, Iraq
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
First, the manuscript is checked by managing in editor for plagiarism, publication instruction and journal specialty. The paper may rejected in this step. If the paper pass the initial evaluation, the editorial meeting will nominate three reviewers for the paper, then the paper send to two main reviewers. The author’s revision will send back to complete reviews notes. The final decision for paper acceptance or rejection is pointed in periodical editorial meeting. After the paper accepted for publication, the paper is hold in the editing queue. When the editing step is finished the final version of the paper is checked by the editor and sends for publishing.

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