We are pleased to announce that the OASPA 2024 annual conference will take place in Lisbon from 16 -18 September 2024 at the Altis Grand Hotel.
Registration is now open!
You can register here.
Rates are calculated based on your organisation’s revenue and your OASPA membership or supporter status.
Small organisations are those with revenue under €5,000,000 and large organisations are those with annual revenue of €5,000,000 or over.
A concession rate is available to those in academic organisations, in organisations with five or fewer employees worldwide or who are unemployed. We have some support available for registrants without organisational funding resident in low and middle income countries on the Wellcome Low and Middle Income Countries list. Please email for details conference@oaspa.org.
Any enquiries regarding the conference should be directed to conference@oaspa.org.
Hotel Bookings
The Altis Grand Hotel has reserved a limited number of rooms for delegates. You can use this preferential rate to book.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We welcome expressions of interest in sponsorship. Sponsorship is crucial for us to be able to hold the event. Email bernie.folan@oaspa.org for information.
Keep Up to Date
You can sign up for conference updates by registering on our mailing list and choosing to hear about conference news.
The preliminary programme will be available in the coming weeks.
2024 Conference Program Committee
Lucy Barnes (OpenBook Publishers)
Sara Bosshart (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Andrea Chiarelli (Research Consulting)
Caroline Edwards (OLH)
Haseeb Md Irfanullah (Independent Consultant – Environment, Climate Change, & Research System)
Alex Mendonça (SciELO)
Lucy Oates (OUP)
Daisy Selematsela (University of Johannesburg)
Elaine Tham (PLOS)
Sofie Wennström (Stockholm University Press)