Member Record

California Digital Library

California Digital Library
Membership Category
Professional Publisher (Small)
eScholarship the open access publishing program of the California Digital Library (CDL). CDL is a unit within the University of California Office of the President, which is the systemwide headquarters of the University of California system.
Main Address
1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Other Office Locations
Copyright and Licensing Link
Our copyright information for readers of eScholarship journals, monographs, and repository content is located at
Copyright and Licensing Policy
We do not dictate licenses for eScholarship journals, which may be managed by faculty editorial boards, scholarly societies, undergraduate research programs, or other academic units. We do provide sample language for a recommended author agreement that most journals adopt, and that agreement has a CC BY license, with language journals can swap in for other licenses. Since adding CC license language to our sample author agreement in 2013, nearly allof our new journals have chosen to use a CC license of some kind. The guidance we provide for best practices is in our help site, for example
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
We would expect most complaints to be handled by the policies of the journal boards/managers. If a complaint came to us directly, we would work with the effected journal or unit. We direct people to contact us via our ticketing system from pages on both our help site ( and our main site (
Publication Charge Link
FOB: Parks Stewardship Forum does not charge for publication.
Publication Charge Policy
eScholarship doesn’t charge fees for article or book publications, but a few of our journals do: Those that do must clearly explain it on their Policies page. They strive to keep APCs low.Most of our journals do not charge author fees, and several of them state that clearly on their policy pages.
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
We provide guidance on peer review best practices here:
The University of California, through its libraries and CDL, supports many open access initiatives, e.g. transformative agreements, open access policies, and open infrastructure projects such as ROR, Janeway, and the Next Gen Library Publishing Platform. Our licensing team also subscribes or is a contributing member to many other initiatives such as arXiv and Knowledge Unlatched.

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