Member Record

Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine

Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Membership Category
Scholar Publisher
The publisher is the Department of Emergency Medicine at University of California Irvine Health. All articles are fully open access and authors retain copyright. CPC-EM is sponsored by the following organizations: American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, California ACEP and California AAEM. The subscribers include 78 ACGME approved departments of Emergency Medicine and 6 state chapter organizations in the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Main Address
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine UC Irvine Health 333 City Blvd West, Suite 640 Orange, CA 92868
Other Office Locations
Not applicable.
Copyright and Licensing Link;view=copyright
Copyright and Licensing Policy
Authors retain copyright of their work in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Everything published in CPC-EM may be shared across any medium and adapted as long as attribution is given to the authors and journal as the source of the material.
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
Any inquiry sent to or phone 714-456-6389 is responded to within one business day.
Publication Charge Link;view=apc
Publication Charge Policy
There is a fee of $500 for all accepted manuscripts. This fee is discounted by 15% if one author on a paper is from an academic department with a CPC-EM subscription. There is never a fee to submit, no fee for editorial or letters to the editor. CPC EM is willing to waive the article processing fee after the article has been accepted for authors who come from low income or lower middle income countries on a case by case basis.
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link;view=reviewerguidelines
Peer Review Policy
CPC-EM adhere to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publications.1 All manuscripts submitted to the CPC-EM undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, whereas the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other’s names or affiliations. Editors are not to disclose the confidentiality of reviewers or authors. Details of the review are not revealed to the authors until review is complete and an official decision on the manuscript is made. Editors, editorial staff and reviewers are not to discuss publicly any authors’ works until publication. Manuscripts sent for review are privileged information and are the sole property of the authors’ until publication, at which time the manuscript is under the creative common license.

All section editors assign at least 2-5 reviewers to whom the identities of the authors remain anonymous. Reviewers provide thorough feedback on the assigned article and make recommendations to the editors regarding the following:

-Critique of the methodology -The impact and strength of the article -Significant limitations that need to be addressed -Are tables and figures relevant and suitable to the manuscript -Comments on the clarify, brevity and grammar

The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors will register the final decision. The reviewer’s identity will remain confidential throughout the peer review process.

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