Name | Compuscript Ltd |
Membership Category | Professional Publisher (Small) |
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Owner | Michael Cushley, majority shareholder and business owner. |
Main Address | Compuscript Bay K, 11a, Shannon Business Park West, Shannon, Co Clare, Ireland |
Other Office Locations | N/A |
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Copyright and Licensing Policy | Compuscript operates a completely open access copyright policy. Authors can either choose to publish with a CC BY or CC BY-NC license. |
Complaint Contact Link | Acta Materia Medica: BIO Integration: Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications: CAET: Zoonoses: |
Complaint Policy | Compuscript adheres to COPE guidelines regarding appeals to editorial decisions and complaints. All authors have the right to appeal the rejection of their manuscript and authors can appeal directly by contacting the relevant journals. |
Publication Charge Link | |
Publication Charge Policy | There are no publication fees for our journals. |
OASPA Compliant OA Journals | 5 |
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months) | 84 |
OASPA Compliant OA Books | |
Peer Review Process Link | Editorial:
Peer review: |
Peer Review Policy | All journals published by Compuscript operate on the
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process is provided by the Managing Editors and Editorial
Assistants. We do not release referees’ identities to authors or to other reviewers unless a referee voluntarily signs their comments to the authors. |
Initiatives |
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595BE The Hague
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