Name | Exon Publications |
Membership Category | Professional Publisher (Small) |
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Owner | Privately owned. The owner is Dr. Chris Morais |
Main Address | Level 14, 167 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
Australia |
Other Office Locations | |
Copyright and Licensing Link | |
Copyright and Licensing Policy | The publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Copyright of individual chapters belongs to the respective authors. The authors grant unrestricted publishing and distribution rights to the publisher. The electronic versions of the chapters are published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Users are allowed to share and adapt the chapters for any non-commercial purposes as long as the authors and the publisher are explicitly identified and properly acknowledged as the original source. The books in their entirety are subject to copyright by the publisher. The reproduction, modification, republication and display of the books in their entirety, in any form, by anyone, for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. |
Complaint Contact Link | |
Complaint Policy | Any complaint about the operations of Exon Publications should be sent to with the subject line “Complaint”. In the initial contact, identify yourself, state the complaint and sign off with your full name and contact details, including a valid phone number with the country and area code. The initial email should not contain any attachments, html codes, or clickable links. All correspondence should be in English with the subject line ‘Complaint’. Initial emails that do not meet any of these criteria will not receive a response and will be deleted. Emails that meet these criteria will receive a response from the editorial office within 72 hours. The Publisher will work with the person who made the complaint for a speedy resolution. To maintain transparency, all correspondence will be in writing, via the above email address. |
Publication Charge Link | |
Publication Charge Policy | The publishing fee for each book chapter in an edited volume is either USD 500 OR USD 700, depending on the choice of hardcover copy of the book.
USD 500: Online plus electronic version of the book (eBook) to all authors. If you prefer open access online publication plus eBook, the cost is USD 500. There are no other hidden costs. The chapter will be published online in three different formats – pdf, html and xml. It will be open access, freely available to the public and the authors will retain the copyright of their work. Each chapter will be assigned a doi and deposited with Crossref. The authors can monitor the download and citation statistics of their chapter, which are available below the abstract of each chapter. Also, all the authors will receive the eBook in pdf format. We will send it to the author for correspondence and it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to share it with the co-authors.USD 700: Online plus hardcover copy of the book. In addition to the open access online publication and eBook, if you wish to have a hardcover copy of the book, the cost is USD 700. The books are printed in Australia and sent via DHL to the author’s destination (only one copy to the primary author for correspondence of each chapter irrespective of the number of authors of a chapter). Being non-commercial, Exon Publications does not sell books. Copies are printed exclusively for the authors. For example, if there are 10 chapters in a book, and seven authors order a copy each, only seven copies will ever be printed. |
OASPA Compliant OA Journals | |
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months) | |
OASPA Compliant OA Books | |
Peer Review Process Link | |
Peer Review Policy | All submitted manuscripts will undergo a three-step review process: preliminary check, plagiarism check and independent expert peer review.Preliminary check: The manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial office for compliance with the Manuscript preparation guidelines. Articles that do not comply with the guidelines will be sent back to the authors to ensure compliance.Plagiarism check: Manuscripts that are in compliance with the guidelines will be checked for plagiarism. We work with CrossRef to use iThenticate to detect plagiarism. iThenticate gives a ‘similarity index’, which is the word-by-word copying of materials from previously published literature. We use similarity index to make a decision. Manuscripts with more than 10% similarity index will be returned to the authors without peer review for corrective action. For articles with similarity index between 1-10%, we follow the guidelines of Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) on text recycling to make a decision. Manuscripts that pass the plagiarism check will be subjected to expert peer review.Expert peer review: Chapters that pass the preliminary and plagiarism check will undergo single-blind peer review by the editor of the book. Each chapter will also undergo simultaneous independent peer review by at least one expert on the topic. Based on the assessments, the editor will decide whether to reject, accept the chapter without any changes, or give the authors an opportunity to revise and resubmit. For rejected chapters, no appeal is possible. For articles with comments for “revise and resubmit”, the authors are required to address the comments of the editor and also the independent reviewer. The editor will verify the resubmitted manuscripts for compliance and make a final decision. Once the editor is satisfied with the final product, the editor will send the manuscripts to the publisher. The editor’s decision is final. The publisher neither influences nor interferes with editorial decisions.Chapters written by the editors: Chapters written by the editors will be independently reviewed by at least two experts in the field. The editors are required to address all comments of the reviewers. The resubmitted chapters will be verified by the reviewers for compliance before making a final decision. |
Initiatives |
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595BE The Hague
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