Member Record


Membership Category
Infrastructure & Services (Non-Commercial)
We provide digital solutions for UK education and research. We provide UK universities and colleges with shared digital infrastructure and services, such as the superfast Janet Network. We help the sector save time and money by negotiating sector-wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers. We offer expert and trusted advice on digital technology for education and research, built from over 30 years’ experience. We know that digital technology has the ability to transform the student experience. We have the experience, expertise and know-how to drive that transformation. We are a membership organisation, owned by the sectors we serve.
Main Address
4 Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NB. Tel: 0203 697 5800
Other Office Locations
Copyright and Licensing Link
Copyright and Licensing Policy
The Jisc Model Licence is the foundation for all our agreements. It was developed to support the realities of contemporary teaching, study and research, and to reflect developments in electronic publishing, scholarly communication and recent changes in copyright law.
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
Publication Charge Link
Publication Charge Policy
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
Jisc has a range of open research services, some of which are used internationally: Sherpa Romeo, for publishers’ OA policies, IRUS-UK, which tracks institutional repository usage statistics, and Publication Router, which gathers information from content providers such as publishers, and passes it to institutions to help them capture their research articles onto their systems – such as their repositories or current research information systems (CRISs). Jisc Licensing negotiates with publishers on behalf of our members to get the best deals for publications. The UK ORCID consortium has become one of the most successful consortia, allowing institutions to get their researchers ORCID iDs at a discounted rate. As a new initiative, Jisc is working in collaboration with partners to develop Octopus, a new publication platform for primary research. Further information is available at

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