Member Record

Life Science Alliance LLC

Life Science Alliance LLC
Membership Category
Professional Publisher (Small)
Life Science Alliance LLC was founded by EMBO Press Innovations gGmbH, Rockefeller University Press, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
Main Address
Life Science Alliance LLC, 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797, USA
Other Office Locations
Editorial Office: Meyerhofstr. 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany; Production: 950 3rd Avenue, Floor 2 New York, NY, 10022, USA; Billing: 1 Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 11724, USA
Copyright and Licensing Link
Copyright and Licensing Policy
Copyright on all articles published by Life Science Alliance is retained by the author(s).

Life Science Alliance publishes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 License. This license permits users to access, download, copy, display and redistribute the journal’s articles, as well as adapt, translate, text- and data-mine the content.

Life Science Alliance supports unrestricted sharing of data to advance science. Consequently, any file associated with an article that is labeled as “Source Data”, “Dataset”, or “Resource” is made available by the authors under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. The authors will not exert any Copyright and Related Rights as defined therein. We encourage attribution where this is warranted by good scholarly practice.
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
Publication Charge Link
Publication Charge Policy
The publication fee is $3500 USD. Ability to pay the fee will not affect the publication of a manuscript.

In addition to immediate open access, the following are included with the fee: – Supplemental material, including inline videos
– Figure-related source data
– Rapid publication
– Deposit in PubMed Central (PMC) and mirrored in PMC international sites
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
1 OA journal
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
200 OA articles
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
All submissions are initially assessed by a dedicated scientific editor. All research manuscripts published in Life Science Alliance are subject to peer review. Life Science Alliance has 5 academic editors who, in addition to contributing to editorial decisions, are also involved in shaping editorial policy and scope.

Research manuscripts judged by the editors to be potentially suitable for publication in Life Science Alliance with realistic experimental revision are sent out for formal peer review. Manuscripts are typically reviewed by three appropriate independent experts. Authors may exclude a small number of experts if they are concerned of a conflict of interest or bias.

Referee Cross-commenting: Referees are routinely invited to comment on each other’s reports and may discuss issues under moderation of the editors. Referees are not informed of each other’s identities.

Based on the arguments and recommendations of the referees, the academic editors and the executive editor decide whether to offer publication or revision, or whether to reject the manuscript. This decision might involve further consultation with the referees, advisory experts and/or the authors. Revisions are invited only for manuscripts that have a high probability of acceptance after one major round of experimental revision.

Authors may appeal decisions if there is concrete evidence for a misunderstanding or mistake at the editorial or referee level. Appeals are evaluated in depth and without prejudice.

Transparent Process: To facilitate transparency, Life Science Alliance has no ‘Confidential Comments’ on the referee reporting forms. This is to ensure that the authors receive all information pertinent to the decision made on a manuscript. Referees are aware that all comments will be transmitted to the authors and the other referees. Should there be any issues with the manuscript, in particular, concerns about ethical standards, data integrity, biosecurity, or conflicts of an academic or commercial nature that need to be communicated directly and confidentially to the editor, this can be done by email.

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