Member Record

LLC CPC Business Perspectives

LLC CPC Business Perspectives
Membership Category
Professional Publisher (Small)
LLC “Business Perspectives” was established by Serhiy Kozmenko, Olga Kozmenko, and Liudmyla Ostapenko in 2003 (Sumy, Ukraine)
Main Address
LLC CPC “Business Perspectives”, 10, Hryhorii Skovoroda lane, Sumy, 40022, Ukraine
Other Office Locations
Copyright and Licensing Link
Copyright and Licensing Policy
Rights to the contents of the article are determined depending on whether article is published in open access or as subscription article. For subscription articles, full and exclusive publishing rights and full copyright to the article belong to the Publisher. Authors whose articles are published in open-access retain all rights to the content of the articles. Open access articles can be published under CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC 4.0
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
We presume that complaints should be based on failure of process (severe misjudgment, long delay or a rude response), not a simple disagreement with editorial decisions. LLC “CPC “Business Perspectives” addresses the following complaints:
Authorship complaints
Plagiarism complaints
Multiple, duplicate, concurrent publication/Simultaneous submission
Research results misappropriation and data fabrication
Allegations of research errors and fraud
Research standards violations
Undisclosed conflicts of interest
Reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by reviewers

Complaints handling policy:
If the Publisher receives a complaint that any contribution to the Journal infringes intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies, libelous materials or otherwise unlawful materials, we will investigate the complaint. Investigation may include a request that the parties involved substantiate their claims. The Publisher will determine whether to remove the allegedly wrongful material. If the complaint lacks sufficient foundation, the material will not be removed. Complaint investigations and decisions will be documented. Our goal is to ensure the highest quality of our journals; however, we accept that occasionally mistakes might happen.
Publication Charge Link
Publication charges are different for each journal:
Publication Charge Policy
The APC (Article processing charge) is paid once, only if the manuscript is accepted for publication after being peer reviewed (Business Perspectives does not use submission or review charges). The APC ensures the full immediate access to the article on the publisher’s website (without registration on the site and embargo period). The APC covers the costs of publication process (copy editing, formatting the text, to compose the figures and tables, etc.) including the administrating of peer-review process (Publisher provides the Manuscript Administration System), the permanent archiving of the articles, site administrating (hosting the files of the articles, maintenance and support of the site), the promotion of the journal and articles (to share the journals content all over the world, serve the indexing services, etc.) and customers support. LLC “CPC “Business Perspectives” is considering discounts for particular cases and individuals. For this purpose author(s) should send an e-mail to the managing editor specifying the reason for requesting a discount.
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
All manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed. The Editor(s) determines the article’s potential interest for readers, as well as its importance and relevance for scientists. Also an Editor assesses the manuscript correspondence to the journal’s scope, as well as its compliance with the journal’s requirements. Authors can be informed about the peer-review stage of their manuscripts through the Manuscript Administration System

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