Member Record

Open Exploration Publishing

Open Exploration Publishing
Membership Category
Professional Publisher (Small)
Xing Wang
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Room 1602, Block C, Northwest International Finance Center, No.8 Fengcheng Road, Weiyang District, Xi’an 710016, Shaanxi, China
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Copyright and Licensing Link
Copyright and Licensing Policy
The publisher provides immediate open access to all published content; all content is freely available without charge to users or their Institutes. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or the author. Authors retain the copyright of their works and they agree to make their original work completely available and free to use, copy and redistribute in all formats without permission as long as the authors and the original source are properly cited. A copyright statement is published on full text files including HTML, PDF and XML formats. All Open Exploration articles are published under the CC BY license to facilitate open access and improve academic exchange among researchers.
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions or review reports during the editorial process. Please contact the editorial office of the individual journal to submit your appeals. Editors should allow appeals to override earlier decisions following appropriate reconsideration of the editorial process and decision making (for example, additional factual input by the authors, revisions, extra material in the manuscript, or appeals about conflicts of interest and concerns about biased peer review). Editors should mediate all exchanges between authors and peer reviewers during the peer-review process. Editors may seek comments from additional peer reviewers to help them make their final decision. The editor’s decision following an appeal is final. Author protest alone should not affect decisions.Complaints on editorial process or publication ethics should be delivered to the editorial office of the journal, and will be handled by the editor who responsible for the journal. If the editor is involved in your complaints, please contact the publisher at For complaints about publication ethics, the Editor will follow guidelines published by COPE.
Publication Charge Link
Publication Charge Policy
To attract high quality submissions and relieve the financial burden for researchers, Open Exploration currently provides authors with a free publication service. All journals are wholly financed by Open Exploration. There is no article processing charge (APC) or fees payable for article submission or publication.
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
All Open Exploration journals adopt a single-blind peer review model. All accepted articles (except for some Editorials released by the Editors) will have undergone a rigorous and thorough review process.Each submission is subject to an initial check to conduct the plagiarism check and reviews the manuscript for suitability versus the scope of the journal and appropriate format. Manuscripts that pass this initial check are assigned to an Academic Editor who has no conflict of interest with the authors or the manuscript. The Academic Editor is usually an Editor-in-Chief although an Editor-in-Chief may assign the role of Academic Editor to another Editorial Board member or a Guest Editor for certain papers. Manuscripts which pass the Academic Editor’s initial evaluation are passed on to experts for full peer review. Peer reviewers should have considerable expertise/experience in the subject of the article, who focus on the manuscript and are invited to evaluate the manuscript’s quality. Peer review usually requires at least two external review reports comprising detailed comments and an overall recommendation. The review reports will be submitted to the Academic Editor for further decision. More review reports may be collected (for example, when the two previous reports express opposing opinions and/or when the Academic Editor thinks more reports are necessary to guide decision making). Suitable reviewers are selected based on our criteria to avoid conflicts of interest. We also have notes for peer reviewers to regular their review works.

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