Member Record

University Library System, University of Pittsburgh

University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Membership Category
Professional Publisher (Small)
An initiative of the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Main Address
Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing G-73 Hillman Library 3960 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Other Office Locations
Copyright and Licensing Link
Standard Author Copyright Agreement:
Copyright and Licensing Policy
CC-BY license is our standard, although some of our published journals use CC-BY-NC-ND
Complaint Contact Link
Complaint Policy
Please send all correspondence to (No specific complaint policy.)
Publication Charge Link -> “Author Fees”
Publication Charge Policy
Currently no ULS journal publications charge author fees. The editorial staff of each journal may set article processing charges for works accepted for publication. Our policy requires these charges to be waived for authors without grant funding. Author fees, if charged, will always be clearly stated in the “About” section of the journal.
OASPA Compliant OA Journals
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months)
732 in the year 2018; 7,938 total
OASPA Compliant OA Books
Peer Review Process Link
Peer Review Policy
Our published journals are accepted only if they adhere to rigorous, quality peer-review. Double-blind peer review is standard for our scholarly journals.
Our mission

  • To support researchers in efficient knowledge production, rapid dissemination of new research and open access to scholarly information
  • Build collaborative partnerships around the world
  • Improve the production and sharing of scholarly research
  • Support innovative publishing services


Our Program

  • Promotes open access journal publishing services at a very low cost
  • Allows easy collaboration among authors, editors, and reviewers regardless of location and affiliation
  • Enhances the visibility, searchability, and navigation of publications
  • Incorporates innovative and sustainable technologies to speed and facilitate scholarly publishing


Customized Design

We work with you to develop a flexible configuration for a variety of editorial workflows from simple to complex to create a professional look for your journal, including:

  • Professional Website design
  • Publication template design to ensure every article is formatted to high standards
  • Customizable suite of presentation features and reader tools


Special Projects

  • Pilot of Open Monograph Press.
  • First adopter of article-level altmetrics through Plum Analytics.
  • Major Development Partner of the Public Knowledge Project.
  • OJS Hosting service Scholarly Exchange™ at
  • Administers the Scholarly Exchange® hosting service, which is offered to the global research community to foster and encourage Open Access to scholarly research: First adopter of article-level altmetrics through Plum Analytics.

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