Name | UTS ePRESS |
Membership Category | Professional Publisher (Small) |
Website | |
Owner | UTS ePRESS is the scholarly Open Access publishing arm of the University of Technology Sydney and is managed by the UTS Library. It is fully funded by the University. |
Main Address | Street Address: UTS ePRESS, UTS Library, corner of Quay Street and Ultimo Road, Haymarket NSW 2000 Postal Address: UTS ePRESS c/o UTS Library University of Technology Sydney PO Box 123 BROADWAY NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA |
Other Office Locations | |
Copyright and Licensing Link | |
Copyright and Licensing Policy | Since 2014 all UTS ePRESS journals publish material under the Creative Commons Attribution licence |
Complaint Contact Link | Complaints may be directed to UTS ePRESS at Additionally, each journal title also provides an email address for complaints: e.g. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance |
Complaint Policy | We take seriously complaints or concerns about UTS ePRESS publications or the activities or information related to UTS ePRESS. All concerns related to errors or suspicion of academic misconduct should be reported in the first instance to the Publication Editor or Manager who will follow the procedures outlined for Corrections above. Authors who have concerns about the editorial or peer review process are encouraged to first discuss these issues with the Publication Editor or Manager. In the event a satisfactory response is not received, complaints may be directed to the Editorial Board of the publication concerned, or submitted to UTS ePRESS Concerns about the legal status of UTS ePRESS publications, such as copyright, privacy or defamation should be submitted to UTS ePRESS |
Publication Charge Link | (under Open Access) |
Publication Charge Policy | As an open access scholarly publisher, all content published by UTS ePRESS is made freely available immediately upon publication. While all digital content is free on our website, we may in some instances charge a fee for a printed version of a publication (via print on demand services) or for enhanced digital content. Authors do not pay any fees or charges for their work to be submitted, considered or published with UTS ePRESS. In some instances we may negotiate with book authors or editors to charge for certain additional services (such as book and cover design) on a cost recovery basis. In such cases these fees will be discussed and agreed prior to signing a publication agreement. |
OASPA Compliant OA Journals | 10 active journal titles |
OA Articles (approx. number in 12 months) | 103 research articles (excluding editorials, book review and cultural works) |
OASPA Compliant OA Books | |
Peer Review Process Link | |
Peer Review Policy | All UTS ePRESS publications are peer reviewed by experts and scholars in the relevant field or discipline. UTS ePRESS publications will generally use double blind peer review (two expert reviewers are used; both the reviewer and the author are anonymous). Exceptions may be made where this is not the accepted norm within the publication’s discipline or field of research and practice. The peer review process must be objective, fair and thorough. UTS ePRESS journals will contain a clear statement of the peer review processes on the journal’s webpage, and clearly indicate within individual issues if any section or article deviates from these stated practices. Peer reviewers must declare any potential conflict of interest and are expected to excuse themselves where a conflict occurs. Conflicts of interest include an overlap in roles between editor, reviewer and author. Journal Editors are expected to consider conflicts of interest when a manuscript is submitted by a member of their editorial team or editorial advisory board. In such cases a co-editor or an external trusted expert will be asked to act as editor for that article and oversee the peer review process. |
Initiatives | The University of Technology Sydney has an Open Access publications repository ( as well as an Open Access Policy ( which requires UTS authors deposit their research publications to the repository. |
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