Results of OASPA Board of Directors Election 2024

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The OASPA Board of Directors comprises 11 members who serve for a term of 3 years. This September four of the current OASPA Board Members reach the end of their term of service.

In keeping with our annual election process, OASPA member organisations were invited to nominate a representative for consideration as a candidate. We are very grateful to all of those who took part in the election this year.

As in previous years, details of the candidates for 2024 were circulated to all members who were then asked to choose their preferred candidates and to vote for them in no particular order. 

Each year there are particular requirements for replacing the outgoing board members which are based on who is leaving and how that affects the distribution of organisations. The OASPA Articles of Association also state that at least half of the seats must be held by organisations which obtain at least 50% of their revenue from open access publishing. We are keen to ensure that the board has the capacity to act in the full spectrum of interests present in the diversity of the membership, both in terms of business model and with regards to publishing vs the service and infrastructure providers which we also have as members, and so the Board assesses the requirements and implications on an annual basis.

As such, to maintain the existing balance in 2024:

  1. Two seats will go to fully open access publishers
  2. Two seats will go to mixed model publishers

Having ratified the results of the member voting, we can announce that seats this year will go to Dan Morgan (PLOS), Xenia Van Edig (TIB Open Publishing), and Ros Pyne (Bloomsbury Academic). Lucy Oates (Oxford University Press) has been re-elected to the board. We are looking forward to all of them starting their 3 year term in October.

All of OASPA’s board members are expected to make an active contribution and our outgoing board members are no exception. Heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks go to Bekah Darksmith (PLOS), Rod Cookson (Royal Society), and Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (punctum books) for all of their hard work and input to OASPA.

Questions regarding the board or election process can be directed to OASPA’s Executive Director, Claire Redhead (

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